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Galaxy Taco (La Jolla, CA)

This place was delicious, but the boyfriend was far more smitten than I was so I'll let him take over from here:

BF: "I typically have a lot of difficulty trying to think of "the best ______" I've ever had. What is the best pizza I've ever eaten? Best burger? Best beer? Yeah sorry, no clue. Fortunately, that question is resolved now and forever on the topic of tacos. After placing our orders at Galaxy Taco, I was presented with two mounds of food on a flat shell (as pictured). This was mildly concerning because I was in the mood for tacos, I ordered tacos, and these things did not appear to walk or quack like tacos. As it turns out, the shell is hard but not brittle so I just folded it into taco form and took a bite. Hrrng what a bite it was. My eyes went wide, then I chewed. My eyes closed. More chewing. I was transported to tacotopia, another dimension I had never known existed. This restaurant single-handedly ruined all future taco experiences -- if I ever get the craving for tacos, I'll have to fly to San Diego. Galaxy Taco: best tacos in the galaxy.



GF Quantity: 4/5

GF Quality: 4/5

Taco Quality: 5/5

2259 Avenida De La Playa, La Jolla, CA 92037


Fold for epic taco-ness, it keeps its shape!

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